Linocut Printmaking: Reduction Method with Theresa Wingert
Saturday 9am-1pm
Linocut is a relief printmaking technique in which a sheet of linoleum is used for a relief surface. A design is cut into the linoleum surface with chisel tools, with the raised, uncarved areas representing mirror image of the parts that show printed. This technique in combination with the etching press leads to rich, expressive prints.
During this introductory workshop participants will become acquainted with the relief printmaking process through carving plates, mixing inks and making linocut prints.
Theresa will introduce and explore materials and tools, drafting a design on the plate, and demonstrate techniques for carving shapes and lines along with reduction printing (making a series of prints by carving additional layers between prints). She will then work through the process of rolling out ink and plate registration for layering ink colors, and creating prints on the etching press.
Participants will create their own 5x7 prints.
No prior experience needed.